frequently asked questions
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture consists of the insertion of very fine needles in certain points of the body that are called acupuncture points, in order to treat diseases
Does the application of needles hurt?
Although there are parts of the body that are more sensible than others, due to the fact that they are very thin, no pain is noticed when they’re inserted, meaning that they're almost imperceptible. What we can notice is a slight sensation of "cramp" that is produced because the energy that runs through the meridians, the Qi, has been stimulated.
Why are two people with the same illness treated differently?
In the Chinese medicine every person is unique and presents a syndrome as personal as his face, in addition, the syndrome changes continuously even if it always has the same tendency. So the treatment also adapts to the individual characteristics of each patient.
What illnesses can be treated with acupuncture?
Chinese medicine has a broad field of action. Acupuncture deals with diseases such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, migraine, insomnia, vertigo, anxiety, allergies, stress, gynecological diseases, impotence, digestive system diseases, etc.
Why do they put needles in different parts of my body?
The needles are placed on acupuncture points that correspond to the meridians. Each meridian is a channel through which the vital energy of our body (the Qi) flows. Thus depending on the points that are used, they treat some diseases or others.
How long does a treatment with Chinese medicine last?
It varies, depending on the problem to be treated, the condition of the person, etc. Usually, the needles stay put for 20 to 40 minutes and several sessions are required to achieve optimal results.
Can you notice the improvement quickly?
Depending on the patient and the pathology that is being treated. There are patients that start noticing the improvement once they’ve had several sessions while others notice changes since the first or second session.
Is it normal that in the middle of the treatment, or at the beginning of it, a slight deterioration is noticed?
Yes, the recovery process is progressive and oscillating. The recovery goes through different states with ups and downs until it reaches the definitive balance. That’s why we shouldn’t get scared if we see we are having a slight deterioration because it will be followed by a noticeable improvement.
Why sometimes, after an acupuncture session, do we feel as if we still carry the needles?
The sensation of carrying needles after some time of having finished our session it’s due to a good stimulation by the doctor of the acupuncture points that are being used.
How often should acupuncture sessions be performed?
The number and frequency of the sessions depend on the diagnostic and the state of the person. It can vary from three times a week to once a month. Usually, the treatment starts with sessions on alternate days and with a frequency of two or three times a week, so that later, and depending on the evolution of the patient, the frequency of the sessions can be reduced until the patient reaches total improvement and the treatment is finished.
If you have any other questions do not hesitate to reach out to us and we'll do our best to answer them.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture consists of the insertion of very fine needles in certain points of the body that are called acupuncture points, in order to treat diseases
Does the application of needles hurt?
Although there are parts of the body that are more sensible than others, due to the fact that they are very thin, no pain is noticed when they’re inserted, meaning that they're almost imperceptible. What we can notice is a slight sensation of "cramp" that is produced because the energy that runs through the meridians, the Qi, has been stimulated.
Why are two people with the same illness treated differently?
In the Chinese medicine every person is unique and presents a syndrome as personal as his face, in addition, the syndrome changes continuously even if it always has the same tendency. So the treatment also adapts to the individual characteristics of each patient.
What illnesses can be treated with acupuncture?
Chinese medicine has a broad field of action. Acupuncture deals with diseases such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, migraine, insomnia, vertigo, anxiety, allergies, stress, gynecological diseases, impotence, digestive system diseases, etc.
Why do they put needles in different parts of my body?
The needles are placed on acupuncture points that correspond to the meridians. Each meridian is a channel through which the vital energy of our body (the Qi) flows. Thus depending on the points that are used, they treat some diseases or others.
How long does a treatment with Chinese medicine last?
It varies, depending on the problem to be treated, the condition of the person, etc. Usually, the needles stay put for 20 to 40 minutes and several sessions are required to achieve optimal results.
Can you notice the improvement quickly?
Depending on the patient and the pathology that is being treated. There are patients that start noticing the improvement once they’ve had several sessions while others notice changes since the first or second session.
Is it normal that in the middle of the treatment, or at the beginning of it, a slight deterioration is noticed?
Yes, the recovery process is progressive and oscillating. The recovery goes through different states with ups and downs until it reaches the definitive balance. That’s why we shouldn’t get scared if we see we are having a slight deterioration because it will be followed by a noticeable improvement.
Why sometimes, after an acupuncture session, do we feel as if we still carry the needles?
The sensation of carrying needles after some time of having finished our session it’s due to a good stimulation by the doctor of the acupuncture points that are being used.
How often should acupuncture sessions be performed?
The number and frequency of the sessions depend on the diagnostic and the state of the person. It can vary from three times a week to once a month. Usually, the treatment starts with sessions on alternate days and with a frequency of two or three times a week, so that later, and depending on the evolution of the patient, the frequency of the sessions can be reduced until the patient reaches total improvement and the treatment is finished.
If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to contact us.